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Wealth is a Choice: What Will You Choose?

w/Jessilyn Persson

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Path to Prosperity: Your Ultimate Wealth Guide

Path to Prosperity: Your Ultimate Wealth Guide empowers you to build the wealth and lifestyle you've been striving for, creating a secure financial future free of worry and guilt. It reveals hidden barriers within your relationship that may be limiting your access to true wealth, guiding you towards financial freedom.


By following this guide, you and your partner can confidently remove obstacles, align your goals, and create a prosperous, fulfilling future together.

Jessilyn Persson

Speaker & Consultant

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With two decades of experience in the corporate and public sectors, Jessilyn Persson reached a breaking point after years of enduring workplace harassment, juggling a side business, and raising two young boys. The resulting stress and unhappiness led to burnout. During her recovery, Jessilyn and her husband, Brian, made a life-changing decision to build their own business.


Leveraging their leadership skills, financial education expertise, and success in real estate investing, Jessilyn and Brian now educate and support couples in creating transformative wealth plans.


Their mission is to help couples align their goals, develop robust wealth strategies, and reclaim their time, enabling them to experience freedom, abundance, and a life by design.If you are looking to align your wealth goals with your partner, develop a comprehensive financial strategy, and reclaim your time for what truly matters, Jessilyn invites you to connect. Together, you can create a life by design.

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Speaker VIP Pass Contribution

Blueprint for Abundance: Your Wealth Vision Workbook

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This workbook will help you craft a clear and compelling Wealth Vision that serves as your guiding star in building your wealth strategy. Use it to stay focused as you make decisions, take action, and set both short- and long-term goals. Revisit your vision often to ensure you’re always moving towards the future you desire.

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Access this plus over $3000 of Speaker bonuses, Live calls, and ongoing access - for only $111


Need more time? Get ongoing access to this and all other presentations in the VIP Pass.

You'll also get all presentations via a private podcast, powerful bonuses to support your wealth journey, and a month's FREE access to Alara's Prosperity Portal membership.

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