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For Female Leaders & Changemakers

Finish off 2024 with a solid, energetic, and strategic system for hitting your next-level wealth!

(all while eliminating stress instead of adding to it)

FREE ONLINE EVENT - Oct 16th-18th

Watch the video below to learn how this FREE event will help you hit your next-level wealth

Hitting your next level of wealth takes a whole lot more than simple manifestation techniques or...wishful thinking.


You’re getting a lot of things right: You’re taking action to bring in more wealth into your life and/or business.


But… you still find yourself feeling inadequate or that your financial state isn't enough.

Maybe right now you….


Feel stressed about creating and spending money.


Realizing that your relationship with money is not healthy.


Stuck at a revenue plateau that you just can’t surpass but aren’t sure what to do to finally shift yourself out of it for good.​​

There has got to be a better way!

What if you knew exactly how to create your next-level wealth...

...while eliminating stress instead of adding to it.

All because you’ve just unlocked what it takes to create, maintain, AND manage your money with ease.

How would it feel to….


​Stop worrying about how money will come in next.


Stay connected to the pulse of your finances.


Know how to shift limiting beliefs that may arise around wealth. 


Actually, enjoy looking at and managing your money on a regular basis.


Know how to repeat these processes over and over again for your desired level of wealth.

This is exactly what you'll experience when you join the Wisdom of Wealth 

Meet Your Host

Alara Sage


In 2021, I had all of my money stolen, and my 6 fig. business collapsed.  I was forced to face some internal beliefs and deep subconscious programming that I held around power, money, and sexual energy.


I was able to recreate my wealth by releasing my subconscious beliefs about money and embodying the frequency of wealth.​

This was truly a blessing because I was able to shift myself into true and embodied wealth and support hundreds of women in doing the same.​ I created this summit to empower even more women to reclaim their right to wealth.

I am deeply honored that you are here with us today, and I look forward to being your guide and mentor during this powerful and life-changing event.

"Alara Sage is the walking embodiment of the empowered woman in her strength, power, and influence"
- Nicole Leanne (Healer/Coach)

Meet the Speakers


We’re delighted to introduce you to the brightest & smartest thought leaders in the wealth consciousness space, ready to share their REAL answers & strategies to YOUR biggest questions & headaches.


Here are the sessions you'll get instant access to:

Day 1:

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Aligning Your Intention - Session/Meditation
w/ Host Alara Sage

The Currency Of Sacred Self-Care
w/ Patrina Wisdom

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What REALLY affects your bank account?
w/ Liat Scheffer Ben Yakov

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Abundance Codes for Spiritual Wealth
w/ AnnMarie McKenzie

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Wealth is a Choice: What Will You Choose?
w/ Jessilyn Persson

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The Depth of Wealth
w/ Baeth Davis

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Wealth Embodiment with Dragon Medicine
w/ Erin Ryan

Day 2:

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Shifting Limiting Beliefs - Meditation/Healing
w/ Host Alara Sage

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Using Your Intuition to Make Better Decisions
w/ Monica Mangelson

Money Energetics After Narcissistic Abuse
w/ Dr. Melissa Kalt, M.D.

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Unlock Your Somatic Wisdom and Manifest Wealth
w/ Dr. Mary Sanders


Transform Your Home, Elevate Your Wealth
w/ Paula Agudelo.

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From Financial Struggle to Prosperity: The Power of the Pearl Sequence
w/ Kehla G.

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Practical Magic For Your Money
w/ Christine Luken

Day 3:

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Activating Your Next Level Wealth - Meditation/Activation
w/ Host Alara Sage

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The Five Ways We Ward Off Wealth
w/ Anjel B Hartwell

Regulate to Receive
w/ LeNaya Smith Crawford 

Frequency is the New Currency
w/ Anna Kowalska

Energetics & Creating a strategy for you to start & grow/scale 'Your Business by Design'
w/ Kelly Vikings.

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The Fear of Power
w/ AmyLee Westervelt 

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Legacy Wealth Unleashed
w/ Steph Zito

What to Expect at the Wisdom of Wealth Summit

When and Where

The summit will run from Oct 16-18th, with a variety of presentations to choose from each day. This event is entirely virtual, so you’ll be able to attend from anywhere in the world with internet access. 

Expert Sessions

Attend presentations from our lineup of 20 speakers with training on energetic and strategic modalities to support you to embody wealth consciousness. Your free ticket includes 24-hour access to each presentation during the week of the summit.

​Private Summit Community

Join our private Facebook community and connect with changemakers like you who are already hanging out and making plans to hit their next level of wealth! This is where you’ll be able to connect with the speakers before and during the event! 

Pre-Party Sessions

The summit officially kicks off on October 16th, but you don’t have to wait until then to get started. The week before the summit, starting on October 9th, we’ll have a daily pre-party session focused on the law of attraction and how to apply it to your daily lives.

Scholarship Opportunity

I am dedicated to helping you embody wealth consciousness and make the process as easy as possible. I do that through my  Wealth Uplevel Program, which you will hear about throughout the event. 


Then, one lucky (and engaged) attendee will be selected to win a full scholarship to this amazing program.


Stay tuned for details and your chance to apply!

LIVE Implementation Day

Watching actionable presentations is great, but to see real change happen you’ll have to take action. And doing so alongside others with similar goals is powerful. That’s why we’ll have live, interactive events on Oct 19th! These sessions include:


  • Q&A and Hot Seat - All attendees are welcome.  Only VIP Pass holders will have the opportunity to submit questions about your wealth challenges and come on live to chat through them!

  • Quantum Wealth Masterclass - Learn about my 3-Part Framework to radically and quickly increase your wealth (while having clear guidance and action steps). You’ll also hear more about my signature Wealth Uplevel program after the training.

Upgrade to The VIP Experience

After registering, you’ll have the chance to upgrade to the Wisdom of Wealth VIP Pass, which includes ongoing access to the presentations after the summit wraps up, a private summit podcast, Live sessions, and premium bonuses from our speakers. You’ll get all the details after grabbing your free ticket! 

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A journey where you'll learn how to use both energetic and strategic methods to uplevel your wealth - without more stress.

  • Create wealth no matter the "external" circumstances

  • Know exactly what you need to do in this moment to increase your wealth

  • Set yourself up for your most profitable year yet! 

  • Shift your mindset and relationship to money to feel secure and safe.

Join us for Wisdom of Wealth and finish off 2024 with a solid, energetic, and strategic system for hitting your next-level wealth!




Grab your free ticket by clicking the link below and join us for THE WISDOM OF WEALTH SUMMIT

Have questions?

We have the answers.

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